Olive Tree

Sunday, September 25, 2022

Apropos Acorn

The point is this ... he who sows bountifully will also reap bountifully.  

– 2 Corinthians 9:6 (RSV)

I recently visited the graveside of loved ones who were giants in the Christian faith.  Rising atop their grave is a towering oak, a standing image of this couple who lived as oaks of righteousness.

I noticed a single acorn atop their grave marker and then observed dozens more scattered about on the grass.  These good people, in their lifetime, spread abundant seeds that continue to bear fruit and are towering oaks in the making. 

Lord, thank You for people who lived as "oaks of righteousness, the standing of the Lord that He may be glorified." (Isaiah 61:3) Grow us to be towering trees that spread much good seed.  

Thursday, September 15, 2022

Come, My Light

  Come, my Light,
     and illumine my darkness.

  Come, my Life,
     and revive me from death.
  Come, my Physician,
     and heal my wounds.

  Come, Flame of divine love,
     and burn up the thorns
     of my sins,
  Kindling my heart 
      with the flame
      of Your Love.

  Come, my King,
      sit upon the throne
      of my heart
      and reign there.

  For You alone
       are my King and my Lord.

              (Dmitri of Rostov, d. 1709)                                                                                                            

Wednesday, August 31, 2022

Refiner's Fire

       It must be burnt with fire. 
         -- Leviticus 13:57 

Behold, I make all things new.  -- Revelation 21:5

Lord, burn away that which is diseased, and build a new, strong housing through which we can pump Your living water to others.

Monday, August 1, 2022

Pipe Up!

The workmanship of your timbrels and pipes was prepared for you on the day you were created.  -- Ezekiel 28:13 (NKJV)

This shows just one view of the inner workings of a huge pipe organ.  Each pipe, flute and reed has its own unique sound and the organ is not complete without it.  You have a special voice given only to you.  Use it for the glory of God.  

Lord, give me the courage to proclaim Your beauty, truth and goodness to the world.  Amen.

Tuesday, July 12, 2022

He's a Creep!

And God said, "Let the earth bring forth living creatures of every kind...creeping things...And it was so.
Genesis 1:24

"Eeeeewwwww, a spider," you might say.  Yet how many annoying flies, gnats and mosquitos has it lured to its web today?

Lord, thank you even for the creepy crawlers lurking in the shadows.  Help me to remember that You work ALL things for good in my life.

Tuesday, June 28, 2022

Known by His Stripes

                                     And by His stripes we are healed.  - Isaiah 53:5 (NKJV)

Thank you, Jesus, for the healing beauty of the evening sky.

Thursday, June 23, 2022

Wheat, on the Lord


He makes peace in your borders;
  he fills you with the finest of the wheat.

-- Psalm 147:4

Come Lord Jesus.  Amen.