Olive Tree

Showing posts with label cut to the quick. Show all posts
Showing posts with label cut to the quick. Show all posts

Tuesday, September 28, 2021

Subjective View

For my thoughts are not your thoughts,  neither are your ways my ways, says the Lord.

-- Isaiah 55:8

We were sailing on the bay when I noticed something strange afar off on the horizon.  From a distance, it looked like a big black blob sitting atop the water, with smokestacks protruding out from various places.  My husband grabbed the binoculars and gasped at what he saw. 

Atop a barge sat half of a submarine!  As it headed up the channel and loomed closer, we gazed upon it in fascination.  Clearly some sort of big project was in the works.

Later, I thought about that submarine – ugly and unrecognizable from afar, cut completely in half, yet an amazing project was in process. 

Life can be that way.  We can’t make out what is happening, and we feel cut to the quick.  Yet as time passes, and we seek the Master planner, things can become more clear.  We may realize that God has us in the middle of an amazing project.  Although we don’t fully know what is going on and we are cut in half, we seek God and trust that He is doing something big and beyond the scope of our imagination.

Lord, help me to believe that you are doing something good when all I can see is a black blob.  Please keep me in Your channel -- on my own, I will run aground.