Olive Tree

Thursday, June 6, 2013


Here's a daily routine that, over time, will build a marriage.  The 'H' part is different for a husband than for a wife.

H~  For him, this is heart.  Even if you don't have loving feelings for her, show a heart of love by spending quality time with her and listening to her.  Ask her how you can better love her (and don't get angry with her honest answer; just listen).

H~  For her, this is help.  God gave Adam a helper, suitable for him.  Even if you don't feel like helping him, look for ways to be helpful and ask him how you can help him (and don't get defensive with his honest answer; just listen).

O~  Open your Bible every day and read something, even it it's just for five minutes. Psalms is a good place to start.

P~  Pray every day, even if it's just for five minutes.  Tell God your needs and ask Him to give you the strength and desire to help (if you're a wife) and love (if you're a husband) your spouse.

E~  Expect less from yourself and those around you.  If you demand perfection, or very high standards, from yourself and your family, a miserable dynamic of tyranny can ensue.  Not only do the demandees become miserable, but the demander is equally unhappy.  It is a lonely road.

I know that there is nothing better for people than to be happy and to do good while they live. [Ecclesiastes 3:12]

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