Olive Tree

Wednesday, July 31, 2013

Laughing at My Tears

I received a much-prayed-for answer to prayer today.  Someone I love very much needed to see the kindness of God shown in specific ways.  That had been my prayer for the last year.  Today, a specific recognition award was given to this loved one. 

When the news came through, I rejoiced with tears of joy.  My kids laughed at me, "Mom's crying," they commented, as if surprised that I would cry over the award.  That's okay; they can't understand.  They were all sound asleep those many early mornings that I spent praying.   The joyful, awaited answer to prayer had not come at a cost to them, nor is their love for this deserving individual as intense as mine.

I remain confident of this: I will see the goodness of the LORD in the land of the living. [Psalm 27:13]

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