Olive Tree

Monday, January 6, 2014

Stop and Listen

Most mornings, I wake up with my mind full of purposed thoughts regarding the day ahead.  A mental to-do list begins to form, which usually becomes a hard copy list, which translates into action.

This is addressed in C.S. Lewis' book, Mere Christianity:
“It comes the very moment you wake up each morning. All your wishes and hopes for the day rush at you like wild animals. And the first job each morning consists simply in shoving them all back; in listening to that other voice, taking that other point of view, letting that other larger, stronger, quieter life come flowing in. And so on, all day. Standing back from all your natural fussings and frettings; coming in out of the wind.”

I tried this today, taking a moment to pray about the day ahead and ask God to lead in His way.  There are three occurrences which I note at the end of the day, things that focused on people rather than my 'list'.  I plan to try it each day - an experiment of sorts.  

TV~  (Today's Verse)
Be still, and know that I am God. [Psalm 46:10] 

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