Olive Tree

Friday, May 3, 2013

Develop a TV Habit

"What?" you say.  "Habitualize that conduit of immorality and tabloidism?" 

Well, no.  I mean, develop a "Today's Verse" habit.  I use a 3x5 card, slipped into my back pocket.  The verse comes from a quick devotional reading, or Morning/Evening Prayer from the 1928 Book of  Common Prayer, or the weekly scripture assignment  for a Bible study I attend. 

Most often, a verse will stand out.  My best friend calls them "little diamonds," those verses. 

Then, when the inevitable loveless, loud, self-centered, short-sighted, rude, unbelieving, unenduring, imperfect, faithless, hopeless thoughts occur, I pull out my TV and it sets me straight.

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