Olive Tree

Sunday, May 19, 2013


Those thorns we spoke about yesterday?  Christ died for those thorns.  He wore a painful "crown of thorns," perhaps symbolic of his "taking on" all our wrong deeds and imperfections.

We love Him and others because He first loved us, and while we were still sinners, He died for us!  We choose to love our thorny companion because Christ first loved us, thorns and all. 

Remember how, over time and sacrifice, we learn to focus on the rose and not the thorns?  It becomes easier because the thorns begin to lose their sharpness through the mutual love and sacrifice of the relationship.  Some of the thorns even fall off, but there still remains a mark, a memory of what it took for that to happen.  The mark is a beauty mark of age and time. 

When Jesus came out wearing the crown of thorns..., Pilate said to them, "Here is the man!"
  [John 19:5]

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