Olive Tree

Wednesday, April 24, 2013

For Happiness or For Unhappiness

I'm not convinced that "happiness" is a necessary constant in order for someone to stay married.  Happiness often is a byproduct of wise choices made on the part of both people in a marriage. Yet, even then, there are some days when we feel happy and days when we don't, for any number of reasons. (Sometimes, the reasons can even be hormonal.)

Is it our spouse's job to make us happy? If we approach our marriage in that way, we will become demanding tyrants, contributing to misery of the very person the WE CHOSE to marry. What should be our focus on any given day?

Greater love hath no man/woman than this that he lays down his life for his friend. It comes back to Christ's perfect example, of laying aside his own rights and desires and seeking to serve those He loved. This is how to treat the person we have vowed to love for better or for worse...... for happiness or for unhappiness.

If I were to make a "happiness chart" of my own marriage, it would look like the Himalayan Mountain range. Nonetheless, the fine wine of a lasting marriage grows deeper and more valuable with each passing day.

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