Olive Tree

Tuesday, April 30, 2013

How Many Sets of Footprints?

Remember "The Footprints Prayer," where there are two sets of footprints in the sand, our own set and that of the Lord's?  Yet, when only one set is visible during the lowest, saddest times, the Lord said, "It was then that I carried you."

Last year was traumatic for me.  I shed many tears and I know that God carried me through.  However, when I was being carried, there was not just one, but four sets of footprints in the sand during that time.  They were the footprints of four very dear friends, each who carried me in her own way.  The Lord had my friends do the carrying.  Thank you, dear friends.  I pray that I can have the privilege of helping to carry you when you need it most.

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