Olive Tree

Tuesday, September 10, 2013

In the Same Foxhole

Shortly after we were married, my husband and I went to a marriage conference sponsored by Family Life Today.  Although the overall experience was not positive for me (no fault of the sponsoring organization), there was a pair of sketches that made an impression on me.

The first sketch was of two foxholes, opposite each other.  The wife was in one foxhole, pointing her weapon at the other foxhole.  Her husband was in the other foxhole, pointing his weapon right back at hers.

The second sketch was of one foxhole, with both husband and wife working together as a team, pointing their weapons outward towards the world.

Rather than pointing weapons at our spouse and blaming him/her for situations, let us work together to create an emotionally safe place within the home and point our weapons outward towards the influences that work against a healthy, happy marriage.

Two are better than one, because they have a good return for their labor: [Ecclesiastes 4:9]

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