Olive Tree

Friday, September 27, 2013

Praying in the Moment

Last week, I found myself with a rare 90 minutes of free time - no immediate responsibilites required by home or family.  I was not at home and took a moment to ponder the various options regarding how to use this precious time. 

Then, I remembered to pray, asking the Lord  what would be His best use of my time.  Into my mind popped the idea of visiting a woman I know who lives in a nearby nursing home.  She is in her fifties, has multiple sclerosis and has been institutionalized for many, many years.

So, I stopped by and visited Sally.  What if I hadn't prayed and hadn't had the idea to visit Sally?  I would have been able to cross something else off of the endless list, something that had no eternal value.

Teach me thy way, O LORD; I will walk in thy truth: unite my heart to fear thy name. [Psalm 86:11]

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